Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Missing Michael

Kelly and Michael went to visit the grandparents for a few weeks. Before the flight Michael and I tested out the satilite phones we got from cousin Tim for the trip to Nepal. I took them to the airport yesterday morning and we hung out at the airport for a few hours before the flight. Michael was very excited to be in the airport and took the opportunity to climb on evey seat in the vicinity. I took him around to look at the planes. He was very interested in planes taking off and landing. Kelly said he had a mellow flight spent mostly reading and playing. He didn't nap the entire flight! When he got to Grandma Lyn's house he was almost asleep in the crib when he sat up, looked around and said "grandma's house" and got very excited. He didn't go back to sleep! Kelly says Michael has been having fun playing with toys from all the grand and great-grandparents. He has also discovered tooting in the bathtub and had a good laugh today when he made some bubbles - that's my boy! Attached is a great photo of Micahel testing out the satellite phone. Michael has also been very interested in the typewriter in the office. Behaviorally, Michael jhas been testing boundaries. He will be told not to do something then he looks at us and does it agin...leading to a few "time outs". He also has better comprehension and overall is less frustrated communicating with us as he learns to talk.

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